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News And Events

International Symposium on Retinal Degeneration

The University of Florida was well represented at the twentieth meeting of the International Symposium on Retinal Degeneration held in Torremolinos, Spain. Attending this meeting were faculty members Cristhian Ildefonso, Ekaterina Lobanova, and Clay Smith along with PhD candidate Raela Ridley who all presented on their research to develop treatments…

A UF professor emeritus of medicine elected for Florida Inventors Hall of Fame

A University of Florida ophthalmology professor emeritus who has led a decades-long effort to reverse genetic forms of vision loss and an engineering alumna who is a pioneer in the semiconductor polishing industry are among 10 new members of the Florida Inventors Hall of Fame announced today. William Hauswirth is…

UF launches Ocular Gene Therapy Core

The University of Florida announces the creation of the Ocular Gene Therapy Core as an adeno-associated virus (AAV) production facility. This core service provides customizable AAV production to match your gene delivery needs. For more details, visit…

Department of Ophthalmology faculty receive 2014 Technology Innovator Awards

Drs. Shannon Boye, William Hauswirth and Sanford Boye were honored this year at the Univerisy of Florida’s Celebration of Innovation for successfully transferring their world-class research to a commercial partner. The University of Florida ranks among the nation’s leaders at transferring technology to partners who turn these discoveries into commercial products…